🥇 ST ART STRASBOURG 16/18 NOV Artworks Art Gallery Spain Buy Paintings


ST'ART 2018. Strasbourg (France)

From 15th  until 18th November 2018

Booth C24

Anquins Gallery participates at ST'ART in Strasbourg since 2005. In this edition we will show the most recent sculptures by Jesús Curiá and Teresa Riba and paintings by Mónica Castanys, Carlos Díaz, Miquel Wert and Marta Lafuente. 

If you want to visit the Fair, please send us an email to info@anquins.com and we will send you invitations. Please let us know if you prefer invitations for the vernissage (15th November) or any other day. 

Active filters

  • Thematic: Human figure
  • Measures: S
  • Artist: Teresa RIBA
  • Category: Sculpture